
White paper : 8 golden rules for a successful transition to the flex office!


In recent years, hybrid work has become the norm and we are experiencing a massive anduninhibited adoption of telework. What was once an emergency modality became in a fewmonths, an appreciable convenience then, a requirement for many collaborators. A look backseems to be ruled out.

However, this reveals a significant impact on office occupancy. Businesses are bitterly observingmany vacant spaces, which they pay a high price for. As a result, nomadism is gaining ground within companies and is gradually reducing theinfluence of the fixed workplace. Faced with this phenomenon, it becomes appropriate forcompanies to reinvest more strategically. Today more than ever, the flex office takes on its full meaning and is invited to our offices.

The aim of this white paper? To turn your vision into an operational reality! In particular, by shedding light on the advantages, prerequisites, risks and best practices of the flex office. Not forgetting the words of experts and feedback from various experiences to back up what we say. And of course : our 8 golden rules for making a successful transition to the flex office!

This guide includes :

  • The challenges of the flex office in figures : office occupancy rate, desk-sharing ratio of companies that have opted for the flex office, etc.
  • How to go about it : 8 golden rules to follow, and for each of them, hear from experts and companies of all sizes!

Download the white paper

About Sharvy

Sharvy develops and markets a digital solution for managing and optimizing shared spaces in companies (parking, workstations, cafeterias, etc). The objective : to facilitate the reservation of spaces by employees, to encourage their mobility and to support new ways of work (flex officeflex deskhybrid work, etc).

The application can be used by all types of companies and local authorities with resource optimization issues, all around the world. Today, Sharvy has over 50 000 daily users in France and abroad.

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