In recent years, we’ve heard more and more talk about well-being at work and Quality of Life at Work (QWL). While some companies have embarked on this adventure out of fashion, others have started with a strategic perspective! Not least because they have realized that this represents a significant challenge for the future of the world of work.

But what is it? How does it help to boost productivity and commitment at work? Let’s start with a Wildgoose study conducted in 2017. It found that 61% of employees consider happiness and well-being more important than pay! Isn’t that a pretty astonishing percentage that requires some thought? Let’s find out why in this article!

What is the well-being at work?

According to the official definition of the WHO (World Health Organisation), well-being at work is “a state of mind characterized by satisfactory harmony between, on the one hand, the aptitudes, needs, and aspirations of the worker and, on the other, the constraints and possibilities of the working environment.

In addition, we can also consider that well-being at work depends on various factors influencing the Quality of Life and Working Conditions (QWL) : safety of premises, layout of workspaces, flexibility of employment, interest in the tasks assigned, prospects for professional growth and development, social relations, etc.

In other words, QWL is a strong commitment and professional fulfillment factor! Consequently, it is up to the employer to put in place various actions and tools to ensure the mental health of its employees. There’s no doubt that this will have some positive impacts, both on their productivity and their performance. Employees will be more creative, loyal, less absent, and less ill!

At the same time, employees have high expectations of their employers in this area! Generation Y in particular – the Millennials, born in the 80s, who make up a large proportion of today’s young workers. For them, fulfillment and well-being at work are at the heart of their quest. And this is a significant factor in retaining their loyalty. So if they’re unsatisfied, they will be quick to change companies!

What actions should be taken?

  • Be flexible and give employees the freedom to organise their own schedules.
  • Give meaning to the work of employees and allow them to develop in their missions.
  • Encourage a good atmosphere with team building activities.
  • Offer additional services : concierge services, childcare, sports and wellness activities, etc.
  • Rearrange the spaces to make them more comfortable : ergonomic chairs, green plants, paintings, etc.
  • Offer access to the company car park to all employees to improve QWl.
  • Rethinking current spaces to create new ones that encourage exchanges and collaboration : flex office, break rooms, meeting bubbles, corpoworking and hot desking spaces, etc.

The company may also choose to implement a stress prevention plan. This can have a significant impact on well-being in the workplace! The reason is apparent : stress is recognized as an essential source of health problems. It causes physical, behavioral, and cognitive symptoms.

As a result, a new trend is emerging : salary is no longer the only criterion for choice. In other words, other criteria appear : happiness at work, the meaning of work, work-life balance, etc.

So, the objective for the company is to improve the employee experience. It can also set up an application (such as Sharvy) enabling employees to book a parking space or reserve an office before they arrive on-site or in the company canteen at lunchtime when they wish. In this way, employees know, even before they come on-site, that they can park, settle in at a given workstation, and have lunch in the canteen.

Which benefits for the company?

Ensuring the well-being and quality of life at work of its employees is a responsibility for companies and a major challenge. Among 22 different studies that looked at well-being programs and healthcare costs, the average return on investment was 3.27. This means that for every dollar that was spent on a Well-being programs, the company saved $3.27 because of reduced healthcare costs. (Source : Well Steps)

In addition, implementing actions and practices that promote well-being at work offers several benefits for the company. We can quote : increased productivity, greater employee commitment, reduced stress, improved employer brand image, etc.

In short, it benefits all parties! As a result, when the well-being at work policy is implemented sincerely, it is a formidable lever. Employees are more satisfied with their work. At the same time, companies are more functional and efficient. And, of course, society as a whole is better off. In short, what more could you ask for?


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