Desk Booking : what are the reasons to use it?

Desk Booking : what are the reasons to use it?

At the opposite end of the «classic» work organization, desk booking is gaining ground within modern and avant-garde companies. For the most part, flex office prevails and offers a breath of freedom. Consequently, no desk is permanently assigned to any employee. While...
Hospitality management : the right business strategy?

Hospitality management : the right business strategy?

The desire for convenience and efficiency is becoming increasingly pronounced in the hustle and bustle of our working lives. The seductive idea of a working environment where every need, from the most ordinary to the most specific, is met in the same place takes on a...
Flex office : what are the potential costs and savings?

Flex office : what are the potential costs and savings?

The spleen of ghost offices? Here’s a curious metaphor that has descended on British life since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, with its corollary : teleworking. The origin of this metaphor is as follows : since the end of the pandemic, the United Kingdom...
Flexible working : an eldorado of freedom?

Flexible working : an eldorado of freedom?

Billed as “the way of the future”, flexible working is the opposite of a rigid 9am to 6pm working structure. It is rooted in the freedom to choose when, how, and where to work. From the status of an option to that of a norm expected by most employees,...