Welcome to the Sharvy blog! Every month, discover all our news and market trends (flex office, desk sharing, company car park, smart parking, etc). For the more curious, don’t miss our free downloadable resources to learn more (case studies, infographics, e-book) !
Desk booking vs. zone booking : what are the differences?
What are the main differences between desk booking and zone booking? Which booking system should I choose? Focus.
How can access to company car park and the allocation of spaces be made fair?
What are the challenges related to company car park access? How can the allocation of spaces be made fair? Answers here!
How to analyze & monitor the occupancy rate of your workplace?
How do you calculate the occupancy rate of your workplace? What is the difference with the expansion rate of your offices? Focus!
Company car park : an asset for talent retention & recruitment?
To what extent does the company car park promote talent retention & recruitment? What are its advantages? Focus.
Visitor Management: Facilitate the welcome & access control to company car park!
How can you facilitate the management of your visitors & access to your company parking? What solutions are possible? Focus.
How to calculate the budget for a smart parking? Decryption & advice!
How to calculate the cost of a smart parking (intelligent parking)? What ROI to expect? What are the pitfalls to avoid? The answers here.
Desk Booking : what are the reasons to use it?
What is desk booking? Who is it for? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this practice? Find the answers here.
Electric mobility : 5 tips to encourage it within companies!
Find out how to promote electric mobility in the workplace? What solutions are available? Find the answers here.
From the traditional Car Policy to a Mobility Policy : 5 tips!
What are the differences between a Car Policy and a Mobility Policy? Which parking policies should you choose? Find the answers here.
Company car park : a necessity or a privilege?
Are companies obliged to offer their employees a company car park ? Is it a necessity, or rather a privilege ? The answers in this article.
Hospitality management : the right business strategy?
What is Hospitality Management? Is it the right business strategy? What are the benefits? Focus in this article.
Company car park management : 10 reasons to opt for a SaaS solution!
Why do you opt for a SaaS solution to manage your company car park? Read about the benefits and get our expert advice here.
Change management : how to facilitate the adoption of a new tool?
What are the essential steps to facilitate change management in your company ? Our advice and best practices can be found here.
Commute from home to work : a change in trends to consider ?
Commute from home to work : what trends can be observed? What are the risks? How can they be improved? Focus in this article.
Smart working : the concept that’s revolutionizing the traditional office?
What is smart working? What are its advantages? Why is this concept overturning the traditional office model? The answers in this article.
How to make a sustainable parking space ?
How to make a sustainable parking space? What are the advantages? Are there any obligations to comply with? Focus.
Charging points in company car park : what are the obligations ?
Would you like to find out more about the requirements for installing charging points in your company? Find out in this article!
Fairness at work : the foundation of the employee experience ?
What is fairness at work? Why is it so important in the workplace? How can fairness be guaranteed? Find the answers here!
Flex office : what are the potential costs and savings?
Flex office may require some initial investment, but it offers companies significant (and often unsuspected) savings! Focus.
Top 5 reasons why flex parking is attractive to businesses!
What is flex parking? What advantages does it offer companies? What challenges does it address? The answers in this article.
Smart building : the benefits for employees and employers!
What is a smart building? What advantages does it offer? What challenges does it address? Find out in this article.
Parking management software : how do you choose your solution?
With a plethora of parking management software, find out how to choose the right solution for you and its features!
Company relocation : an opportunity to give a fresh start!
Are you about to carry out a company relocation? In this article, find out our top tips for getting the most out of your move.
Flexible working : an eldorado of freedom?
Is flexible working (really) a guarantee of freedom? Definition, benefits, prerequisites, risks and best practice right here!
Future of work : what trends and technologies lie behind this notion?
Between utopia and dystopia, what can managers expect and how can they prepare for the “Future of work” ? The answers here!
Smart parking : a key link for your CSR policy!
What are the benefits of smart parking for your CSR policy? How do you set it up? What solutions can you turn to? Find the answers here!
Work environment : 10 golden rules for improving it!
Discover 10 golden rules for improving your employees’ work environment, enhancing their well-being & their QWL.
5 figures proving that company car parks improve the QWL!
If you still need to decide about the importance of company car parks, here are 5 figures to prove that they improve the QWL!
Workplace management software : how do you choose your solution?
Faced with a wide choice of Workplace Management software, find out how to choose the right solution for you and its features!
New uses in the workplace : which ones should be favoured?
Discover five new ways of using your workplaces to meet the changing needs and expectations of your employees!
Parking Management : how to excel & satisfy your employees?
Discover our 5 tips and recommendations to excel in parking management strategies and satisfy all or some of your employees!
Flex desk : between opportunities and risks, how to go about it?
In this article, discover all our tips to avoid many disadvantages and make your transition to the flex desk successful.
How to encourage employees to adopt sustainable mobility?
In this article, discover 6 ideas to improve your CSR policy and encourage your employees to take an interest in sustainable mobility!
How to calculate the desk-sharing ratio?
What is the desk-sharing ratio? How do you calculate it? What is its purpose? Is it a good idea to introduce it in your company? The answers and our advice are in this article!
5 actions to reduce the carbon footprint of your company cafeteria!
Discover 5 simple & effective actions to reduce the carbon footprint of your company cafeteria and become a more sustainable company!
How to optimize the occupancy rate of a company car park?
In this article, we decipher how to analyze & optimize the occupancy rate of your company car park to take advantage of it!
Multi-site company car park management : how do you go about it?
Multi-company car park management : what are the problems faced by companies? How can they be overcome? All our advice in this article!
Hot desking : is it a good idea to introduce it in companies?
What is hot desking? Is it a good idea to introduce it in your company? What tips should I use? The answers are in this article!
Does it still make sense to invest in parking spaces?
Invest in parking spaces : a new eldorado for companies or a false good idea ? Find out the answer right here!
Corpoworking : combining QWL with workspace optimization!
What is corpoworking? Why has it become so popular in recent years? What are the obstacles to its development? The answers are right here!
Access control for company car parks : which one to choose?
Find out about the existing access control systems for company car parks, and above all, which one to choose according to your needs!
Desk sharing vs flex-office : what are the differences?
Can’t decide between flex office & desk sharing? To help you, let’s highlight the main differences between them!
Improving QWL : 5 actions to take in your company!
Discover five concrete & effective actions to improve the QWL (Quality of Life at Work) of your employees!
Company carsharing : how to organize and promote it?
In this article, we focus on 5 simple & effective actions to take to organize & promote company carsharing!
Work flexibility : how to take part in this revolution?
Discover the best practices to implement in company, to take the turn of the flexibility of work and improve the QWL.
Smart mobility : the future of urban mobility ?
The mobility ecosystem faces many challenges. However, smart mobility is opening up promising avenues of thought! Focus.
5 tips for solving parking problems in the company
Is your company car park experiencing parking problems? Discover our 5 tips for a simple solution.
How to create a company parking reservation system?
Company car park can cause frustration among employees. How do you create a parking reservation system that satisfies everyone?
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