Manon Léonard is the Digital Marketing Manager, who joined the Sharvy team in February. We present her to you in a few questions, which she answers cheerfully!

Hello Manon, can you introduce yourself?

Hello, my name is Manon Léonard and I have been the Digital Marketing Manager at Sharvy since February. I arrived at the same time as Camille. I’m from Normandy, where I completed a DUT in Marketing Techniques, before going on an Erasmus exchange in Spain. Upon returning, I realized that a work-study program would suit me well, leading me to quickly move into practice. I joined Pole Paris Alternance for a Bachelor’s and then a Master’s in Communication and Digital Marketing. After graduating, I worked for over 2 years at the IT services company where I had done my Master’s internship, before joining my partner and the Sharvy adventure in Montpellier in the South!

While commerce has always attracted me, my interest in marketing developed gradually throughout my journey. Especially after experiencing operational marketing in my first year of apprenticeship, I saw its full potential. Eventually, I intuitively moved towards digital marketing, which I enjoy for its diversity and technicality.

Why did you join Sharvy and how was the meeting?

When I came across the job listing on LinkedIn, Sharvy’s mission seemed clear and obvious. It matched an experience I had at a past company with a very small parking lot, and I really liked the tasks described. Having previously worked in large groups, I wanted to join a smaller structure where I could have more responsibilities. Moreover, I wanted a broader and more diversified scope of action, with autonomy.

As required by the health situation at the time, I went through several interviews via video: first with Stéphane, then with Benoît and Alex. What I immediately appreciated was that it was a dialogue, very open. Consequently, there was a good rapport; we talked about travels, our interests, and I felt surprisingly at ease… on video!

Before joining the team, we also had lunch together, with the entire team. In short, I found the approach nice and reassuring.

What surprised you when you arrived at our company?

Firstly, upon my arrival, I was given the access codes and the “keys to the shop” with complete trust. I was given real autonomy to make genuine proposals, especially in terms of lead generation, communication, etc. We experiment with certain actions, too, and it’s exciting. And especially, there’s a very good atmosphere in the team! In summary, we work hard and have a lot of fun.

What do you appreciate about your tasks and daily life at Sharvy?

My central mission is to make Sharvy known and to generate leads and prospects for our sales team, both in France and internationally. My actions are mainly digital: Google Adwords, social networks, emailings, content and blog maintenance, events, etc. There’s variety and complementarity. Moreover, I also really enjoy the graphic design and creative part: the days are exciting!

Finally, every morning I start my day by reading the leads from the previous day, our figures, and performances, to optimize them, always. I love this demanding and dynamic aspect!

Innovation, collaborative solution, customer experience: what do you think of Sharvy’s vision and services, and more broadly of its industry and challenges?

We are fortunate to be able to say that the crisis has helped us! The change in work modes was suddenly accelerated, and it allowed us to seize an opportunity. The crisis has propelled teleworking, and I don’t think we will go back. This year of change and rapid adaptation pushes us to say that we must always be on the lookout and likely to evolve to other services and features for businesses.

Adaptability was already in Sharvy’s DNA, and the period allowed us to be responsive to our clients and their needs, we moved quickly and it’s a great performance!

Finally, I really like the collaborative aspect of the solution: on the one hand, it creates well-being and sharing for employees, and on the other hand, Sharvy only works if everyone uses it and collaborates, and that’s what’s beautiful!

What do you think we don’t say enough, or what would you have liked me to ask?

What we don’t say enough is that we have a top-notch and highly complementary team. Plus, that’s what makes our strength. We have the richness of difference, and a beautiful chemistry, as often companies we work for would like to have.

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