Infography : Commuting to work!

Infography : Commuting to work!

Commuting to work : a Work-Life Quality Issue (Infography). Every morning, millions of people embark on a journey that is familiar to everyone: the commute to work. From the bustling public transportation to the often congested main roads, each journey has a profound...
Infography flex office : what are the prospects ?

Infography flex office : what are the prospects ?

Flex office : what are the prospects ? – Infography The brightest companies know this : workspaces are veritable sanctuaries where creativity takes flight and productivity soars to new heights. Strangely enough, many companies (still) need to unleash the full...

Company car park : what are the practices? – Infography

Company car park : what are the practices? – Infography Today, although a proportion of home-to-work journeys are made by public transport, a non-negligible balance is still made individually (car, two-wheeler, utility vehicle, etc.). Faced with this reality, we...