What does the acronym EVSE stand for? – Definition

EVSE stands for “Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment”. It refers to all the devices that enable users to recharge their electric vehicles.

The EVSE should be distinct from a simple electric charging point. The latter is made up of several components. These are the charging point, the cabling (linking the end to the electrical panel), and the electrical panel (linking the point to the electrical distribution network and protecting users and electrical equipment).

Installing an EVSE requires knowledge of the legislation in force, as well as the intervention of an EVSE-certified technician.

What are the regulations on charging points for electric vehicles in company car parks?

From 1er June 2022, all new non-residential buildings with more than ten parking spaces must have at least one charging point and cable trays for one in five (20%) of the total spaces.

At the same time, all non-residential buildings undergoing major renovation with more than ten parking spaces must also have at least one charging point and cable trays for one in five spaces.

This new obligation supports the British government’s desire to speed up the energy transition and ban the sale of new combustion-powered vehicles from 2030. The government had expressed the hope that 145,000 new charging points would be created each year due to the new regulations.

To cover the cost of supplying and installing their charging points, businesses can apply to the government’s Workplace Charging Scheme. This voucher scheme covers up to 75% of the total cost of purchase and installation (including VAT), up to a maximum of £350 per socket or 40 sockets across all sites per applicant.

What are the advantages of installing an EVSE in your company car park?

There are many advantages for both companies and employees.

For companies, the advantages are as follows :

  • A stronger brand image : by providing infrastructure for electric vehicles, your company is demonstrating its commitment to sustainability and the environment. It helps to reduce its CO2 emissions, promoting soft mobility.
  • Improved attraction & retention of talent : the presence of shared charging stations in your company car park can help you to fulfil a strategic objective during a recruitment drive. In fact, for over 60% of candidates, this advantage influences their choice of future company or companies.
  • Regulatory compliance : in many regions, companies are encouraged, and even required by law, to provide charging infrastructure for electric vehicles, thereby complying with current regulations.
  • A revenue opportunity : some companies may choose to charge for the use of charging points, offering a new source of revenue, such as the possibility of recovering part of the installation and maintenance costs.

For employees, the benefits are as follows :

  • Improved Quality of Life at Work (QWL) : clearly, the presence of recharging points in your company car park enhances the employee experience. Their batteries are “topped up” during their working day(s), avoiding the hassle of searching for public charging points.
  • Greater flexibility : without a doubt, offering access to shared charging points in the workplace gives your employees greater flexibility in their travels, allowing them to deal with unforeseen events such as last-minute trips without having to worry about charging their vehicle.
  • A sense of belonging : finally, your company’s initiatives to support your employees’ lifestyle choices, such as the transition to electric vehicles, strengthen the sense of belonging and job satisfaction.