Anaïs Koszul joined the Sharvy adventure in February 2024 as an International Business Developer. Discover more about her and her role in this interview!

Hello Anaïs, can you introduce yourself and tell us a little about your journey before joining Sharvy?


My name is Anaïs, I am 28 years old and originally from Paris. Recently, I moved to Montpellier, a decision driven by my attraction to large natural spaces. Located between mountains and sea, Montpellier offers an ideal setting for my passions, including climbing which I enjoy on weekends.

My academic journey began at the Sorbonne where I obtained a degree in International Trade. This education served as a springboard for my career and allowed me to expatriate to Germany. There, I worked in B2B sales of electronic components for three years as a Franco-German salesperson. This experience was enriching, especially in mastering intercultural communication in a business environment, a crucial skill for anyone working in international trade.

After Germany, I decided to venture to Australia to seek new experiences and improve my English. My stay in Australia was a total immersion in an international setting. I had the opportunity to work in various sectors and adapt to different professional environments.

I started with four months as an au pair, a role that emerged with the COVID-19 pandemic. This position allowed me to deeply integrate into Australian culture and forge close ties with the local community. Afterwards, I turned to the hospitality industry, working as a bartender for a year. This demanding job required efficient order management and direct, constant contact with customers. This experience enriched my approach to customer service.

These experiences gave me a deeper understanding of fieldwork compared to the more sedentary roles I had held in Germany. They also enhanced my communication and management skills in a variety of contexts.

Why did you choose to join Sharvy and how was your first encounter with the team?

My decision to join Sharvy was driven by a job offer that perfectly aligned with my professional aspirations. The position involved developing the business internationally, with a focus on Germany a market I am well acquainted with, having significant experience in the field. I found the opportunity to leverage my language skills and my knowledge of international trade in a German-speaking context very appealing.

From my very first meeting with the Sharvy team, I felt integrated. The welcome was marked by a friendly breakfast, setting the tone for a warm and welcoming atmosphere. The integration process was carefully organized. Several meetings with different departments were scheduled, which allowed me to quickly become acquainted with my new colleagues and to understand the internal workings of Sharvy.

The first few days also included a series of pre-arranged training sessions, which helped me to grasp Sharvy’s parking management and flex office solutions. The combination of a warm welcome, well-thought-out organization, and a positive atmosphere made my integration very enjoyable. Thanks to these initial impressions, I knew I had made the right choice in joining Sharvy. The work environment and the company’s values fully met my expectations, both professionally and personally.

Was there anything in particular that struck or surprised you when you arrived at our company?

One of the most pleasant surprises upon my arrival at Sharvy was the discovery of a ping-pong table on our terrace. It might seem trivial, but it speaks volumes about the company culture and the atmosphere within the team. Beyond just being a form of entertainment, ping-pong has been an excellent way to strengthen team cohesion. Organizing 2-on-2 matches not only created moments of relaxation but also revealed the competitive yet friendly spirit that animates our team.

This playful touch demonstrates that Sharvy values a work environment where dynamism and youthfulness are encouraged. It also shows the importance placed on providing us opportunities to relax and build relationships outside of the professional setting. For me, this discovery was a wonderful illustration of the balance Sharvy seeks to maintain between serious work and moments of relaxation. It greatly contributed to my sense of well-being from the first days within the company.

Can you detail a typical day for you at Sharvy, including your main tasks and the challenges you face?

A typical day for me at Sharvy invariably starts with a coffee, a small morning ritual that helps me begin the day energetically. Next, I dedicate myself to handling inquiries from both prospects and existing clients. This task requires particular attention to detail and an ability to respond effectively to ensure customer satisfaction.

My daily schedule also includes planning and executing meetings with companies interested in our services. These interactions are crucial as they allow me to showcase the benefits of Sharvy and understand the specific needs of each prospect to tailor our offer.

After each meeting, I am responsible for sending out quotes and following up on the meetings. This step is crucial for turning interest into concrete commitments and requires clear communication and good management of expectations.

As for challenges, I have not yet encountered any major problems, but every day brings its set of minor queries. Fortunately, I can always count on Benoît, the commercial director, to help clarify points or solve issues. One of my first significant challenges was leading a meeting with an important client on my own. It was intimidating at first, but I managed to effectively present our tools and answer the client’s questions. This was very rewarding and boosted my confidence in my abilities.

What aspects of your role as a salesperson do you prefer and why?

Among the multiple facets of my role at Sharvy, two aspects particularly stand out for me: inter-team collaboration and the international dimension of my work.

Inter-team collaboration, in my opinion, is essential for success in a sales role. At Sharvy, this team spirit is not only encouraged but is an integral part of our daily routine. We work in synergy, thanks to the technical knowledge of Camille and Joël, our Customer Success Managers (CSM), and our developers, as well as the commercial and technical skills of our directors. Our marketing team (the M & Ms) also plays a key role in communication. This collaborative environment helps us to constantly improve our results, as each member brings their expertise to enrich our strategies.

The other aspect that I appreciate in my position is the international dimension. I can conduct business transactions in French, English, and German. Using these linguistic skills on a daily basis not only enriches my professional experience but also enhances my foreign language abilities. Managing projects from start to finish in different languages is not only a stimulating challenge but also allows me to forge connections with international clients and partners.

We’ve heard you’re trilingual. How do you use this skill in your role at Sharvy?

Being trilingual is a skill I fully utilize in my role at Sharvy, especially in expanding our international presence. Using multiple languages daily is important in my function, as it allows me to communicate effectively with a diverse clientele. For example, I can contact interested prospects and conduct presentation meetings directly in their native language. Being able to interact in the language of my interlocutors adds a personal and professional dimension to our exchanges. This builds trust and facilitates a better mutual understanding.

Besides direct interactions with clients, my language proficiency also allows me to actively participate in more technical tasks, such as updating commercial presentations. Recently, I helped translate a presentation from Dutch to German. These tasks, although less visible, are important to ensure precise and appropriately targeted external communication.

The ability to make follow-up calls in German is another example of how I leverage my language skills.

To finish, what is your favorite moment that you’ve shared with the “Sharvy Team”?

While I don’t have a single moment to mention, what I particularly appreciate at Sharvy is our tradition of sharing lunch meals together. These daily moments are precious opportunities to relax, laugh, and discuss, whether about professional or personal topics. This helps to strengthen the bonds among colleagues.

After lunch, we’ve made it a habit to play board games. It might seem simple, but this practice allows us to digest and entertain ourselves. It’s also a way to stimulate our competitive spirit in a friendly and fun manner.

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